Since riding in a bike-a-thon at 8 years old to his current status of unofficial “Mayor of Cape Cod,” Jonathan Thompson has been a force for positivity in his Cape Cod community.

From performing in a local R&B group as a teen to creating the popular social media show “JT Chronicles,” he has captured the hearts of Cape Cod residents and beyond.

In the early 90’s, after his performing career came to an end, Thompson decided to begin a new chapter and teamed up with lifelong friend, Tim Lus (who he met on that bike-a-thon ride as a kid) - as well as others and began a journey which has provided entertainment to the community that he loves for over 25 years.

Under the name Incognito Entertainment, which was later changed to Ayboi Entertainment, the group produced hundreds of events including dances, concerts, tournaments and parties.

In 1996, Thompson and Lus created “The Real…” a local video show which included interviews and performances by major recording artists and other types of performers. “The Real…” brand was later expanded to include a radio show (The Real… Radio) and used a format similar to the video show.

Over the next several years, JT continued to be involved in the production and promotion of events and services of all types including concerts, youth dances, theme parties, fundraisers, youth career days, tournaments, blood drives, event hosting and more.

On the heels of his growing popularity and infectious personality, Thompson posted a video documenting an inconveniencing knee injury, the day of doctor’s visits and the comedy of errors that followed. The single video created a refreshing take on his everyday life and JT’s Chronicles was born. In the ensuing months he began creating a phenomenon that has grown to over 30,000 followers across multiple social media platforms. The daily series of video blogs include the “Morning Bus Ride with Bob,” many cameo appearances from members of the community (as well as an occasional celebrity – including a fun interaction with Kevin Bacon!), trivia, raffles and an overall message of positivity, usually with a twist of humor. Thompson opens almost every video entry with a “Good morning…. you are watching the Chronicles” and ends with an “I Love you.”
JT is now known as the go-to guy when the community needs a leader at a vigil or an emcee for an event. When there are plans to hold a fundraiser, like the legendary Figawi Ball or Dancing with the Docs, it’s JT they always want (and need) involved. That is probably why after a 3-month long voting process he was named “Mayor of Cape Cod” at the Art Westfall Foundation’s Bartenders Ball.

This honor jumpstarted JT’s career as a motivational speaker when he launched his “Positive Direction Motivational Tour.” He began talking to school sports teams and groups, then entire school audiences and then staff members and workplaces and the engagements continued to grow through referrals.

JT was Recipient of Black Excellence on the Hill Award at the Massachusetts State House. "JT's dedication to spreading a message of 'one love, one family, and one community' is a testament to his character and his love for his hometown," said Centerville State Representative Will Crocker, who nominated Thompson for the award.

TD Bank donated $10,000 and a bus full of backpacks for JT’s Chronicle’s Back to School project! National Finalist in #TDThanksYou Campaign: Thompson was among the national finalist for TD Bank's #TDThanksYou campaign, designed to highlight the inspiring work of its customers, colleagues and community partners and the positive impact they have made in their communities during the pandemic.

JT and his friend, DJ Angel Robinson hosted virtual dance parties throughout world – Austrialia, UK, Aruba, Canada spread goodwill positivity and hope throughout pandemic – every Fri night for 76 weeks!
In 2021, JT was the Keynote Speaker for Philanthropy Partners of Cape Cod’s Annual Meeting where he talked about the life lessons that he experienced and how they shaped the person he is today.

Stephanie Viva started airing JT’s Chronicles weekly Podcast on Lemonadio Radio.
JT was invited to present “Community HyperLocal” at TedEx Provincetown.

JT received the Community Impact Award from The Cape Cod Young Professionals. This award was given because of his dedication to spreading positivity and fostering community connections on Cape Cod.
JT spent the Summer of 2023 spreading positivity through Cape Cod and beyond.
Whether it is a word of encouragement, a rally for prayers and support for local families experiencing hard times, promotion of local businesses or just to make his followers laugh, JT Chronicles is a uniquely crafted outlet by a man who has his finger on the pulse of the people. His followers comment frequently about how JT Chronicles helps them begin their day or makes them feel empowered. His live videos create a buzz and a refreshing way to break up the monotony of the work day for many.
Overall, JTC provides a look into the life of a dedicated family man and friend who truly cares about his community and all people. Thank you for visiting jtschronicles.com.